New COVID-19 Mask Gobbles Like Pac-Man To Help You Eat in Restaurants

In the wake of COVID-19, governments, scientists, and creative designers are doing their best to bring us back to our normal life. Since restaurants are also part of our lifestyle, Israeli inventors have created a special coronavirus mask that lets diners have their meals without taking it off. Hence, your restaurant visits will be less risky while you can enjoy your favorite food in the desired eatery.
What makes this COVID-19 mask so special is that it comes with a hand-controlled remote that makes the mouth gobble like Pac-Man to let you have food whenever you place an order in your favorite restaurant. A squeeze of a lever, just like a cyclist operates a handbrake, helps to open a slot in the front of this mask so that food can easily pass through it.

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However, the process could become messier with sauces or ice cream. But solid morsels can be consumed within a flash as Pac-Man does in the popular arcade game. As soon as you take out a fork from your mouth the mouth closes automatically, protecting you against the virus and other people sitting next to you.

According to the inventors, they are about to start manufacturing the face mask within months and have even submitted a patent for it. They also mentioned that the mask will be priced around 3 to 10 shekel ($0.85 to $2.85), which is slightly above the cost of the simple pale blue medical masks many people wear these days.
What do you think about this novel mask design? Would you like to go out to your favorite restaurant wearing this COVID-19 mask or just happy eating your meals at home? Do share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Via: Reuters