LEO’s GPS Child Tracking Wristwatch – Revolutionary gadget for security of your kids
Having kids is perhaps one of the most beautiful gifts that God or nature has blessed every life-form on this planet with. This is indeed the most precious but also a very vulnerable gift and in this world, which is full of stress and time-consuming life; sometimes it becomes impossible to keep up with our kids and even devote time to them. To ease this problem a bit, LEO has come up with a GPS (Global Positioning System) Child Locator Wristwatch. The purpose of this watch is to keep a track of kids while they are on the go, to any place alone or in group.
The best thing about this colorful and sleek wristwatch from Guardian Lion Wireless is that it not only tells the time to your kids or keeps up with their location; it also has a built-in phone and has a panic 911 emergency call button. The world today with its increasing population is no longer a safe place for anyone. Every day, we hear about abductions, murders, kidnapping for extortion and thousands of cases of child sexual abuse. Children are vulnerable as they have limited mental and physical strength & ability and cannot evade jeopardizing situations, like the above. This LEO GPS tracking-wristwatch comes as a perfect relief aid for the protection of our kids.
According to Jason Sullivan, the inventor of this LEO GPS wristwatch,
It’s like having an entire On Star system on one’s wrist”. He also said that the watch is meant for the kids from ages 6 to 12 but can be used within all age groups. This LEO GPS wristwatch can also exceptionally be used for people whose chances of getting lost alone are high, like patients of dementia and the elderly.
Some of the features of this watch are:
•Tamper-Proof Lockable Wrist-Strap
This prevents unwanted removal by a (would-be) predator and instantly transmits a tamper alert to parents, guardians or caregivers via text message and to 911 with the user’s precise real-time location, address, speed and direction.
•GPS Panic Button System
Instantly transmits a panic alert to parents, guardians or caregivers via text message and to 911 with the user’s precise real-time location, address, speed and direction.
•Safety-Zone Alerts
Instantly transmits an alert to parents, guardians or caregivers via text message with the user’s precise real-time location, address, speed and direction the moment the end-user travels outside of an invisible fenced zone. (Example: school, school walking route, Local Park, neighborhood etc.)
•Exclusion-Zone Alerts
Instantly transmits an alert to parents, guardians or caregivers via text message and to 911 with the user’s precise real-time location, address, speed and direction the moment the end-user travels inside an invisible fenced zone. (Example: a registered sex offender’s home, body of water, “dangerous location” etc.)
•Speed Alerts
Instantly transmits an alert to parents, guardians or caregivers via text message with the user’s precise real-time location, address, speed and direction the moment the end-user breaches a prescribed speed limit. (Example: LEO can alert you the very moment your child has entered into someone’s vehicle!)
The LEO GPS Child Locator Wristwatch shall be available by April, 2013 (though it’s a part of the Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign) in the market at a price of around US$149 presale and US$249.95 at and after the launch. So, if you care for your kids or need such an intelligent tacking system for any other family member, this LEO GPS Child Locator Watch is must for you.
Via- Indiegogo