Step in Sock Automatically Clings to Your Shoes When Stepped On

You might have come across a disposable shoe cover machine that dispenses cover for your shoes to walk indoors in order to keep the floor clean. But instead of manually wearing shoe cover every time you have to walk around your house with shoes, you must consider Step in Sock – automatic shoe cover that automatically clings over your kicks just by stepping on them.
What makes these shoes cover different is that these are completely reusable and don’t require a huge machine that occupies extra space in your house. Once you place your feet on the Step in Sock, these covers immediately wrap around the bottom of the shoes. This way you can easily wear them and ward off any dirt that may fall from your shoes.

Each pair is made from a blend of polyester and spandex on the top and a vinyl bottom for giving you the right traction. These are perfect for anyone who constantly needs to enter their house to do quotes, fix appliances, or for realtors demoing many homes.
To remove these Step in Sock shoe covers, you only have to peel them off your shoes and clean them later for reuse. This way you will also prevent the use of plastic – without creating extra waste. While these shoe covers are in the process of production, these will be priced at under $25 after hitting the shelves. Find more information on the official website.

Via: Core77